Happiness Comes

Happiness Comes was released by Dancing Girl Press, Chicago (2018). You can find it at Grassroots Books (Corvallis). Or order directly from the press at the following link: Dancing Girl Press, or from this site using the link below. Each copy can be purchased for $10.00 which includes shipping. SOLD OUT!

“I enjoyed the book, Happiness Comes a great deal and have gone back to revisit several of the poems. For me some of the highlights were the surprising and delightful transitions in Conversations With A Traveler (“Check out those zinnias”), the splendid lines “we’re traveling to the train station / so it must be raining” in If The Orange Cones…, the poem Self-Portrait, and in all the poems, the author’s deft handling of metaphors and imagery, to use her words, “as sharp and bright as polished knives”. Finally, the last poem in the collection (Eating Birds Nest Soup…) is a real wonder: evocative and mysterious.”  –Tim Applegate, author of Fever Tree